
trait OrderedProperty extends Property

Ordered properties make the order between all properties of a specific kind explicit; all properties that are of the same kind have to inherit from ordered property or none.

This information is used by the property store when assertions/debugging is turned on to test if an analysis, which derives a new property, always derives a more precise property.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
AllocationFreeMethod, AllocationFreeness, AtMost, CompileTimeConstancy, CompileTimeConstantField, CompileTimeVaryingField, EscapeInCallee, EscapeProperty, EscapeViaAbnormalReturn, EscapeViaHeapObject, EscapeViaNormalAndAbnormalReturn, EscapeViaParameter, EscapeViaParameterAndAbnormalReturn, EscapeViaParameterAndNormalAndAbnormalReturn, EscapeViaParameterAndReturn, EscapeViaReturn, EscapeViaStaticField, FinalEscapeProperty, GlobalEscape, GlobalEscape, MethodWithAllocations, NoEscape, NoVaryingDataUse, StaticDataUsage, UsesConstantDataOnly, UsesNoStaticData, UsesVaryingData, Assignable, ClassImmutability, DependentlyImmutableClass, DependentlyImmutableField, DependentlyImmutableType, EffectivelyNonAssignable, FieldAssignability, FieldImmutability, LazilyInitialized, MutableClass, MutableField, MutableType, NonAssignable, NonAssignableField, NonTransitivelyImmutableClass, NonTransitivelyImmutableField, NonTransitivelyImmutableType, TransitivelyImmutableClass, TransitivelyImmutableField, TransitivelyImmutableType, TypeImmutability, UnsafelyLazilyInitialized, AllocationSitePointsToSet, AllocationSitePointsToSet1, AllocationSitePointsToSetN, NoAllocationSites, NoTypes, TypeBasedPointsToSet, Callers, CallersImplWithOtherCalls, CallersImplementation, CallersOnlyWithConcreteCallers, CallersWithUnknownContext, CallersWithVMLevelCall, CallersWithoutUnknownContext, CallersWithoutVMLevelCall, EmptyConcreteCallers, InstantiatedTypes, LoadedClasses, NoCallers, NoInstantiatedTypes, NoLoadedClasses, OnlyCallersWithUnknownContext, OnlyVMCallersAndWithUnknownContext, OnlyVMLevelCallers
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. OrderedProperty
  2. Property
  3. PropertyMetaInformation
  4. PropertyKind
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract type Self <: OrderedProperty

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def checkIsEqualOrBetterThan(e: Entity, other: Self): Unit

    Tests if this property is equal or better than the given one (better means that the value is above the given value in the underlying lattice.)

    Tests if this property is equal or better than the given one (better means that the value is above the given value in the underlying lattice.)

    @throws("if this property is not more precise than the given one")
  2. abstract def key: PropertyKey[Self]

    The key uniquely identifies this property's category.

    The key uniquely identifies this property's category. All property objects of the same kind have to use the same key.

    In general each Property kind is expected to have a companion object that stores the unique PropertyKey.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def asOrderedProperty: OrderedProperty

    Returns this if this property inherits from OrderedProperty.

    Returns this if this property inherits from OrderedProperty.

    Used, e.g., by the framework to support debugging analyses.

    Definition Classes
  2. def bottomness: Int

    Returns a value between zero and 9 which describes how close the value is to its absolute bottom.

    Returns a value between zero and 9 which describes how close the value is to its absolute bottom. Zero means the value is very close to the bottom and 9 means the value is far away from the bottom.

    The default value is "5".

  3. final def id: Int

    The id uniquely identifies this property's category.

    The id uniquely identifies this property's category. All property objects of the same kind have to use the same id which is guaranteed since they share the same PropertyKey

    Definition Classes
  4. final def isOrderedProperty: Boolean

    Returns true if this property inherits from OrderedProperty.

    Returns true if this property inherits from OrderedProperty.

    Definition Classes